Lower your costs. Take payments faster. Reduce manual errors. Automate workflows by integrating Tabeo with your PMS.
Trusted by over 5000+ primary care providers
Accept payments quickly, easily and securely
Meet our new checkout!
Take a quick tour of our products
To use Tabeo, you only need a web browser and internet connection. It works seamlessly on desktop and mobile.
Use data to reduce administrative burden
First, we simplified payments for your team. Next, we will tackle related business processes like payroll. Each new product builds on data from the previous one.
Run payroll in minutes with smart technology
Run payroll in minutes with smart technology
Say goodbye to manual data entry. Calculate monthly pay for your associates, nurses and support staff with minimal effort. Help us develop a software that solves your needs. We plan to launch this product in H1 2025.
£50 per month + £5 / month per person
Time tracking that will delight your team
Time tracking that will delight your team
Simplify time tracking for your team. With our time kiosk, they can record hours accurately. Gross pay for relevant staff is calculated automatically. We can also calculate paid time off. Help us design key features. We plan to launch this product in H1 2025.
£5 per month
Have more time for your patients
Free your non-clinical team from administrative burden so they can focus on other, more important tasks.
Tabeo Tech Limited, incorporated in England & Wales (registration number 10363602), with its registered office at C/O Fox Williams, 10 Finsbury Square, Finsbury, London EC2A 1AF.
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